What Kinds of Users are there on the CYO Website?

Regular Users: These are the default general Celestial Church of Christ registered users who have not upgraded their account.

Verified Users: These are the Celestial Church of Christ registered users who have been verified and have specific responsibilities, such as Gospel writers. They can be recognized by the blue icon on their profiles.

PRO Users: These are the Celestial Church of Christ registered CYO State and National Executives who have a red icon on their profiles.


How Do I Use My Wallet?

On the CYO Social network, members have the ability to add funds to their wallet directly from their bank account. They can utilize these funds to boost their posts, create targeted advertisements, or save up for a specific goal.


How Does the Point System Works?

The point system is employed to acknowledge and reward CYO registered users for participating in online contests and making contributions.


Who is Eligible to Write and Submit Articles?

Our blog portal aims to inspire and empower young people around the world. Only approved writers are allowed to contribute articles on this platform. If you have creative content and would like to become a verified volunteer writer, please contact us.


I Can't Locate My Post, Why Was It Deleted?
Our moderators have the authority to remove any posts that aren't allowed on this platform. Posts that are secular, misleading, or misuse the image of the Celestial Church of Christ are strictly prohibited and will be promptly deleted.


If you have any questions, please refer to our customer support. Our aim is to provide a friendly tone throughout.