We set straight in the last episode that the evil done to the church is greater from within than from without. We need to support this claim. 

Hymenaeus and Philetus failed to convey God's thoughts when they asserted that the resurrection had already taken place (2 Tim. 2:18). They did not outrightly deny the truth of the resurrection, but they perverted it by injecting their own flawed ideas instead of faithfully conveying what God had revealed. Those who relied on the words of these false teachers rather than the Word of God, went astray, their faith being undermined. Instead of being preoccupied with Christ's exalted position in heaven and eagerly anticipating His return to take them to heavenly realms, they had allowed their thoughts and hopes to be fixated on earthly matters, losing sight of the profound truth of their heavenly calling.

Throughout the centuries, especially since the 19th, many others have also propagated perverse teachings in their quest for personal gain and recognition among humanity. Sometimes, they have emphasized one essential truth to the point of denying another crucial aspect. For instance, they stretch the lofty subject of grace but undermine the TRUTH, and some do otherwise. 

Our ultimate safeguard against these and all other forms of evil lies  can be summarized below:

1. Study the Scriptures diligently more than you listen to any man. (2 Timothy 2:15).

2. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13).

3. Test teachings against God's Word (1 John 4:1).

4. Hold fast to sound doctrine (2 Timothy 1:13).

5. Surround yourself with wise believers (Proverbs 11:14).

At the other end, a genuine teacher sent by God will always redirect their hearers to Christ, guiding them to God's infallible Word as the unwavering foundation of truth. Such a teacher will never seek to elevate themselves but instead will humbly point others to the unerring wisdom of God. They will constantly exhort their listeners to examine their teachings against the authoritative Scriptures, for their sole aspiration is to convey the divine thoughts and principles that emanate from God's eternal Word.

In a world where false doctrines and manipulative leaders abound, it is imperative for believers to remain vigilant, discerning, and firmly rooted in the truths of Scripture. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can effectively navigate the treacherous waters of deceptive teachings and safeguard our faith from being subverted. Let us always be like the Bereans, who received the Word with eagerness but diligently searched the Scriptures to confirm its authenticity. In doing so, we will not be swayed by the cunning tactics of those who distort the truth, but instead, we will steadfastly abide in Christ, who is the ultimate source of all wisdom, knowledge, and divine revelation.

Your brother,
Babajide Babaniyi.