Shalom. We feel compelled to share some instructive thoughts regarding the title of this brief paper, and the reason is readily apparent: biblical Christianity is absent. To clarify this, truth-seeking believers will undoubtedly be drawn to read this paper to its conclusion. Let's now turn directly to the pages of the written Word where the church began.

When the Apostle Paul addressed the leaders of the Ephesian church, he issued a warning about the imminent threats that would confront the believers once he was gone. He cautioned them about the arrival of treacherous individuals who would infiltrate their midst, showing no mercy as they preyed upon the vulnerable members of the congregation. The writings of the early church have provided substantial evidence to substantiate Paul's grave words, as wicked men, characterized by their sinister doctrines, have exploited the faithful, wreaking havoc and bringing disgrace upon the name of the Lord in the eyes of the world. In the face of these perils, the writings of the Apostle John hold unique significance, serving as a special defense against the corrupt teachings propagated by these unscrupulous individuals—individuals who were, are, and will continue to prey upon the church founded by the Holy Spirit.

However, there exists a subtler danger for the saints, one about which Paul also warned: the emergence of individuals from within their own ranks who would espouse twisted ideologies in an attempt to draw disciples after themselves (Acts 20:30). Unlike the grievous wolves who would intrude upon the church, these individuals were already embedded within its fabric. While the wolves scatter, these men sought to gather followers, but not around Christ; rather, they aimed to amass a following centered on their own persona, thereby diverting the allegiance that should have been solely directed towards Christ.

The motives of these individuals are glaringly exposed; they prioritize themselves over Christ, willingly diverting Christ's disciples to become their own. Their approach starkly contrasts with that of John the Baptist, who directed his disciples towards Christ, resulting in them becoming followers of the Lord. John's heart was consumed with Christ when he proclaimed, "Behold the Lamb of God," and his testimony led two of his disciples to pursue Jesus and become His devoted followers.

To achieve their self-centered objectives, these selfish individuals would propagate perverse teachings, deviating from the truth of God. They would wield significant influence within the church, possessing teaching capabilities that they would exploit to establish themselves as leaders of factions espousing doctrines and practices contrary to those prescribed in the Scriptures for the body of Christ.

They would not outrightly deny the truths of Scripture, but rather distort them by ascribing their own interpretations, thereby leading the saints astray from the teachings imparted by the apostles and those who faithfully followed in their footsteps. Consequently, the followers of these deceitful leaders would become dependent on their teachings rather than the Word of God itself.

Such teachers would often present themselves as possessing divine authority to teach, thereby lending an air of legitimacy to their ministry in the eyes of their followers. Unfortunately, these deluded disciples fail to grasp that the only authoritative ministry for the church emanates from the Scriptures, which were divinely inspired through the Holy Spirit.

A teacher who is truly sent by God will always direct their hearers toward Christ and point them to God's infallible Word as the secure foundation for their souls. When the truth is spoken, genuine believers, like the Bereans, will receive it with eagerness, but they will also diligently search the Scriptures to confirm what they have heard (Acts 17:11). A faithful teacher will always encourage their audience to test their words against the authoritative teachings of Holy Scripture, for their sole objective is to convey the thoughts of God.